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About me

Running a full-time photography business is no joke, but I couldn't imagine doing anything else. I started working in the photography field over 10 years ago, and still enjoy watching my work grow every single year. I feel that even as a seasoned professional, it's always important to keep moving forward.


And that's me! Always on the move.


My studio space is located in Downtown Brookings, SD, while I live and work most days from my home in Milbank. When I'm not creating magic in the studio, I find myself living in my car most summers; exploring new areas that spark creativity, and meeting my clients at unique locations. 


- Happily married to my husband, Taylor 

- A fat, grey fur-ball named Jack steals my attention daily

- A career that keeps giving me joy


I'm a pretty lucky lady


Enjoy life and be good to one another.



Let's chat!

Available for business across the US.

Tel: 605-354-1681


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